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An app conceptualized by a group of UT Austin students aimed at motivating self-quarantine and maintaining social distancing practices to reduce the spread of COVID-19.



Placing privacy and security first, Quaranteams can accurately and safely verify your quarantine status utilizing features designed to protect your data and identity.

Friendly Monitoring

Quaranteams uses ​your phone's built-in location services to ensure you're staying home.


Your geographical information is completely private: we will never upload, save, or share your location with anyone.




Choose from a wide variety of global pandemic relief efforts to support by staying inside.


Once you hit a milestone, we'll automatically donate on your behalf.



Visualize your friends' incremental daily progress with the Streak Indicator. The number represents days without a quarantine breach and will be reset to zero if you choose to leave your home.

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Our concept design provides users with helpful information from external websites and recent developments of COVID -19.

no social distancing

* Washington Post Corona Simulator

These simulations vastly oversimplify the complexity of real life and are not completely accurate of COVID-19. Yet as the spread is represented through the networks of bouncing balls, COVID-19 is spreading through all aspects of our human networks. Similar to the ball bouncing across the screen, a single person’s behavior can cause ripple effects that touch faraway people.


No social Distancing


attempted Quarantine

Here is what happens in a town of 200 people with one sick person and no attempts at social distancing.


The graph represents a rapid increase in number of sick people, which then tapers off as people recover.


moderate distancing

Here is an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19 by creating a forced quarantine.


The graph represents the unlikely possibility to seal off the sick population from the healthy and leads to similar results as the first simulation.


extensive Distancing

Here is a quarter of the population still moving around while the other three quarters practice social distancing.


The graph represents a slower spread of the virus with a higher number of healthy people.

Here is a higher amount of social distancing, representing only one of every eight people moving.


The graph shows an even more positive result, with higher numbers of healthy people and an even slower spread.

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